Cerrado Appreciation - Instituto Ecológica

Cerrado Appreciation - Instituto Ecológica

Cerrado Appreciation

Cerrado Appreciation Through the Multiplication of Social Carbon Methodology

Knowledge Enhancement
Biodiversity Conservation
Community Development
Technology Transfer
Climate Change
Water Resources
Ecosystem Cerrado
Localization Cantão Region/TO
Legal Framework National Funding
Project Status Completed
Fundraising Modality Exclusive
Fundraising Status Closed

Local Context

Program that aims the appreciation of the Cerrado by multiplying the Social Carbon Methodology in the Cantão region, southeast of Tocantins. The project took place between 2006 and 2007 and its main supporter was the National Environmental Fund (FNMA)

Project Description

The project is aimed at maintaining the Pium Coexistence and Training Center as a support for environmental projects in the region by multiplying the Social Carbon Methodology. Multiplication includes training on key sustainability resources developed by the methodology: Human Resource, Social Resource, Natural Resource, Biodiversity Resource, Financial Resource and Carbon Resource. The main goal is to pass the Social Carbon Methodology in theoretical and practical activities to the community surrounding the project, so that they can enhance their projects in the Cerrado and increase their sustainability resources.

Entre os resultados, destacam-se a formação de 50 multiplicadores aptos a desenvolverem suas atividades com o apoio da MCS; formação de 18 extensionistas para elaborar e acompanhar projetos de crédito de carbono na região; desenvolvimento de pesquisas direcionadas aos viveiros e aos SAF’s por 10 universitários; multiplicação das informações através de 12 líderes assentados nas suas comunidade rurais; realização de evento regional com o tema “Valorização do Cerrado Através da Metodologia do Carbono Social”; formação de um grupo gestor para atuar no processo.

The results include the training of 50 multipliers able to pursue their activities with the support of the MCS; training of 18 extension officers to prepare and monitor carbon credit projects in the region; development of research targeted at nurseries and SAF’s for 10 students; multiplying the information by 12 leaders seated in their rural community; conducting a regional event; formation of a management group to operate in the process.

Files for Download

Resume (Portuguese)


  • Increase of sustainable resources.
  • Cerrado appreciation.
  • Knowledge dissemination.


  • Social Carbon.
  • Maintenance of the Community and Training Center in Pium.
  • Support for environmental projects.
  • Training.
People Able to Multiply the SCM
Extensionist Training for Monitoring Projects
Academic Participants in the Research