Fernando de Noronha Island faces problems with pollution - Instituto Ecológica

Fernando de Noronha Island faces problems with pollution

The Brazilian environment has just found a new threat: tourists.

Fernando de Noronha can be considered a paradise on Earth. A recent boom in tourism on the island may make that statement no longer true.

Since 1992 the annual number of tourists in the island has jumped from little more than 10 thousand to almost 105 thousand, in percentage the growth amounts to 927%. The Chico Mendes Institute has established a limit on the number of annual tourists. By 2018 this number was exceeded by 15%.

The problem? Generalized pollution. The list of environmental problems currently facing the region includes: increased untreated sewage volume, solid waste growth, water supply, energy and public transport systems overload, as well as increased land use and vehicles and boats on the island.

All this, according to Silvia Zanirato (a research professional from the University of São Paulo), provides a significant increase in the risk to the local fauna and marine.

Tourism has also introduced numerous exotic species on the island, leading to declining native flora and fauna.

The island was recently completely focused on a world surfing championship that occurred in the region and obviously with the influx of people generated by the Carnival.

Read the original article: https://www.oeco.org.br/reportagens/turismo-descontrolado-ameaca-en-niente-de-fernando-de-noronha/