Natura - Forest Carbon - Instituto Ecológica

Natura - Forest Carbon - Instituto Ecológica

Natura – Forest Carbon

Cerrado’s Enhancement and Sustainable Development

Climate Change
Biodiversity Conservation
Knowledge Enhancement
Community Development
Technology Transfer Water Resources
Ecosystem Cerrado and Amazon
Localization Pium and Marianópolis/TO
Legal Framework National Funding
Project Status Completed
Fundraising Modality Exclusive
Fundraising Status Closed

Local Context

The project aims to neutralize emissions of greenhouse gases emissions through reforestation of degraded areas in rural settlements in the state of Tocantins (in the Cerrado biome) by promoting sustainable practices in local communities. The project lasted from 2008 to 2009 and was supported by Natura Cosméticos.

Project Description

The project consists of reforestation of degraded areas with native species of the Cerrado and training in the themes of: seedling production in the Cerrado, forest fire prevention, management and use of non-wood products from legal reserves to generate income for communities. The project promotes the practice of beekeeping in communities, the use seeds of native species for vegetable oil extraction and production of bio-jewelery. It also recovered Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and Legal Reserves (LRs) in rural settlements.

The project’s main goals were: to develop socio-economic studies of the communities involved using the Social Carbon Methodology; to improve the sustainability of resources in rural settlements; to increase the knowledge of producers on the environment, environmental legislation, and seedling production; to stimulate income generation through sustainable practices; and to contribute to improving the climate via carbon sequestration. Some results: 150 acres of the legal reserve restored; 60,000 tons of carbon equivalent neutralized; 50 families benefited through the introduction of sustainable practices to generate income.

Files for Download

Project Presentation (Portuguese)


  • Improvement of sustainable resources in rural settlements.
  • Increase of the producers’s knowledge on environmental legislation and seedling production.
  • Contribution to mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration.


  • Carbon sequestration.
  • Reforestation.
  • Production of native seedlings.
  • Mapping of areas to be recovered.
  • Species definition.
  • Training.
  • Carbon credits.
  • Regional events about sustainable development and climate change.
Recovered Area (in hectare)
Native Seedlings
Tons of CO2 Reduced